
If someone objects to a will that’s been lodged in court, then that becomes a will contest. Someone’s objecting to what the will says is supposed to happen to the person who dies’ estate, and they object, and they say, “That really isn’t what the person who died wanted. He didn’t want this will, and […]

Probate Litigation Attorney Gary Clexton explains what the common issues are that you’ll run into during a will dispute and more importantly, why hiring and retaining a probate attorney is so vital to those individuals with a large body of assets that can be passed on. Listen as he discusses why the retention of a probate […]

Probate Litigation Attorney Gary Clexton answers a common question in probate cases where a conservator is required to help manage and protect the assets of the estate. He shares a story of a case to help illustrate when conservators becoming essential in the protection of a person or group’s financial needs. “I once represented a […]

Denver Probate Litigation Lawyer Gary Clexton explains the basics of a probate court and the types of cases that a probate court is likely to take on. Do you need legal representation for a probate case? Contact Miller & Steiert today to speak with a Denver probate lawyer that can help guide you through your […]

Losing a loved one is never easy. After someone passes, survivors are left in a sort of limbo, trying to work through the grieving process, while realizing that although death is final, it leaves behind a lot of work. Even if a will is in place, there is still much to do. This is where […]

  Laws can be complex and people are often surprised to learn how various laws affect them. This is especially true when it comes to probate law. Did you know: Your Will Can Benefit Your Pet Most of us adopt a pet knowing he or she will likely pass before us. Our main concern is […]

Some people assume when a loved one passes the money that person owes to creditors is eliminated. That is not always the case and for some, the debts of a deceased loved one results in the loss of a large portion of that person’s estate. Whether or not a debt is still in place after […]

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